Vista Panorámica Grand Bahia Principe El Portillo

Wellness Area- Cayo Levantado Resort

Breathe Facial, oxygenating and hydrating

Breathe Facial

Oxygenating and hydrating

Face treatments
This facial creates a dialog between you and your skin. The session begins with a series of exercises to help you become aware of your breathing, accompanied by a blend of essential oils that calm the mind through the sense of smell. After cleansing using a gentle and nourishing foam containing activated charcoal, coconut, and olive oil, the skin enjoys an effervescent and carboxygenating treatment that activates microcirculation and promotes oxygenation. The result: hydrated, luminous, fresh, and oxygenated skin.

We offer a natural and rejuvenating skincare program that uses an exclusive range of extremely pure and effective organic products by Ayuna. Using a scientific-botanical approach that focuses on “WELL·AGING”, these treatments not only nourish and regenerate the skin but also enhance the sensory area, feelings of peace, and the perception of one’s own inner beauty. And as one of the Seven Universal Laws states: as within, so without.