Legal Conditions

General terms and conditions

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following information is provided:


1.1. The terms and conditions outlined below regulate the access and use of the present Website (hereinafter referred to as the Website), which is operated by the legal entity VIAJES GTI GRUPO TURÍSTICO INTERNACIONAL S.A. (hereinafter, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS), with Tax Identification Number CIF A30350714 and registered office at Plaza Mediterráneo, 5 07014 Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands). Registered in the commercial registry of Palma de Mallorca, volume 2410, folio 67, sheet PM-65088.

1.2. The term "Website" encompasses, in a descriptive but not limiting manner, the data, texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, trademarks, trade names, domain names, and others included therein, and, in general, all creations, whether original or not, expressed by any means or medium, tangible or intangible, regardless of whether they are subject to protection under the current Intellectual Property Law or any other industrial property law.

1.3. Access to the Website implies that the User acquires a series of rights and obligations, aimed at ensuring the proper enjoyment of the services and content found therein and made available to the User free of charge by BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS.

1.4 The User is aware that access to and use of the services and content of the site is carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility.

1.5. The status of "User" is acquired by accessing the Website. The User will use the services and content exclusively for personal purposes and/or by virtue of their legal relationship with BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS, excluding any subsequent use for profit or to derive any benefit, whether direct or indirect.

1.6. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS hereby informs the User of the following general conditions of use, which are expressly and fully accepted by the User merely by accessing the Website and/or viewing the content or using the services contained on the Website. 

If these general conditions are replaced in whole or in part by others, such new general conditions shall be deemed accepted in the same manner as stated herein. However, the User of the Website should periodically access these general conditions to be aware of successive versions included herein, although it is recommended that the User access them each time they intend to access or use the services and content of the Website. 

Should the User not accept these general conditions or the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content intended for Users of the Website, as determined by BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS, the User should refrain from accessing the Website and/or using the services made available to them.

1.7. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may establish as many particular conditions as necessary to regulate the use and/or contracting of specific services offered to Users through the Website. Furthermore, through the Website, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may enable third parties to advertise or provide their services. In such cases, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS shall not be responsible for establishing the general and particular conditions to be considered in the use, provision, or contracting of these services by third parties, and therefore, cannot be held liable for them.

1.8. The User shall implement appropriate technical security measures to prevent undesired actions on their information system, files, and computer equipment used to access the Internet, and particularly the Website, being aware that the Internet is not entirely secure.


2.2. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS is a commercial entity that, through this Website, markets various hotel services, offering free information about its products and tourism services. Additionally, the User may make reservations and bookings for the products and services offered on the Website.

2.3. In general, the services and content offered through the Website will be available in Spanish, without prejudice to the possibility—at the discretion of BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS—of offering them in other official regional languages, as well as in any other language spoken within the European Union.

2.4. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may unilaterally modify, without prior notice, the provision, configuration, content, and services of the site, as well as its terms of use and access to the provided services, without prejudice to the provisions of the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content.

The cost of telephone access or any other type of expense for connecting to the Website, if applicable, will be borne exclusively by the User.


3.2. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS shall not be liable for any damages of any kind caused by services provided by third parties through this website, and in particular, but not limited to, those caused by: (I) non-compliance with the law, morality, or public order; (II) the inclusion of viruses or any other computer code, file, or program that may damage, interrupt, or impede the normal functioning of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment; (III) the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, trade secrets, or contractual commitments of any kind; (IV) the carrying out of acts constituting illegal, misleading, or unfair advertising and, in general, acts constituting unfair competition; (V) the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, quality, relevance, and/or timeliness of the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, received, obtained, made available, or accessible; (VI) the infringement of rights to honor, personal and family privacy, and the image of individuals, or, in general, any type of third-party rights; (VII) unsuitability for any kind of purpose, the frustration of expectations generated, or defects and flaws that may arise in the relationship with third parties; and (VIII) the non-fulfillment, delay in fulfillment, defective fulfillment, or termination for any reason of obligations undertaken by third parties and contracts entered into with third parties.


4.2. The trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs that appear on the Website are the property of BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS or, as the case may be, of third parties, and are protected by the applicable industrial property laws.

4.3. The provision of services and publication of content through the Website shall in no event imply the transfer, waiver, or transmission, in whole or in part, of the ownership of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights by BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS and/or its legitimate third-party owners.

4.4. Under no circumstances may the User make use of the services and content available on the Website for any purpose other than personal use, except for the exceptions set forth in these general terms of use of this Website or in the specific terms that BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may establish to regulate the use of a particular service and/or content offered through the Website.

4.5. No part of this Website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, publicly communicated, or transformed, in whole or in part, by any manual, electronic, or mechanical system or method (including photocopying, recording, or any information retrieval and storage system) on any currently known medium or any that may be invented in the future, without the consent of BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS. The use, in any form, of all or part of the content of the Website is subject to the requirement to obtain prior authorization from BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS and/or the legitimate third-party owners and acceptance of the corresponding license, where applicable, except as provided for the rights recognized and granted to the User in these general terms or as determined in the specific terms that BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may establish to regulate the use of a particular service and/or content offered through the Website.


BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may use cookies when a User browses the sites and pages of the Website. Such cookies will be used by BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS under the conditions and for the purposes described in its Cookie Policy.


6.2. The fact that BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS does not require compliance with any of the conditions set forth in these general terms, or where applicable, the specific terms governing the use of a particular service and/or content intended for Users of the Website at a given time, cannot be interpreted by the User as a waiver of the right to subsequently demand compliance.

These general terms are governed by Spanish law.

7.- BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS expressly declares its waiver of submission to transport arbitration courts for any issue arising from the existence of this contract. The consumer has the option to use the European Union's online dispute resolution platform, accessible through the following link:


The parties, with express and unequivocal waiver of their own jurisdiction, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca (Capital) for the resolution of any disputes or controversies that may arise from the use, services, and/or products contained on this website.


The website, as well as the related services, are marketed by the company VIAJES GTI GRUPO TURÍSTICO INTERNACIONAL, S.A. (hereinafter BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS).

1. The user declares that they are of legal age (i.e., at least 18 years old) and possess the legal capacity necessary to contract the products and services offered on the BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS website in accordance with these general conditions, which they fully understand and comprehend. In the event that a minor enters into a contract, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS shall not be held liable in any case, and the minor, their parents, or guardians shall bear any expenses that may arise from such an action.

2. All information provided by the user to access and use this website is true, accurate, and complete. The user is obliged to keep this information updated with BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS.

3. The user commits to ensuring that the data provided is accurate, particularly with regard to credit or debit card information, which is their property, and that they authorize BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS to charge for the purchased services.

(The services purchased will be reflected on your bank statement as VIAJES GTI).

4. Travelers are responsible for carrying all required documentation in accordance with passport, visa, and other regulations. In some cases, passports are required to be valid for at least six months. It is recommended to consult the relevant authorities regarding the necessary requirements for traveling to a specific destination. Being an infant or child does not exempt one from carrying documentation.

5. Some countries require travelers to pay entry, exit, or both types of fees per person while in the country.

6. The website is solely and exclusively for the personal use of the user. Its modification, reproduction, duplication, copying, distribution, sale, resale, and other forms of exploitation for commercial or non-commercial purposes are prohibited.

7. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS reserves the right to make changes to our website and these general conditions at any time.

8. Please ensure that you have read and understood the product terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have done so.

9. Price revisions will be allowed due to modifications in transportation rates and changes arising from fluctuations in currency exchange rates for the foreign products or services offered on the BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS website.

10. Tickets will be issued under the “electronic ticket” modality whenever this is provided by the respective company.

11. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these conditions, as well as the relationship that may arise between the user and BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS, shall be interpreted under Spanish law. To resolve any discrepancy that may arise in the interpretation of these general conditions or the relationship between the user and BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS, the parties expressly waive any jurisdiction that may correspond to them and submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals of the city of Palma de Mallorca.

12. The child rate applies to children aged 2 to 12 years, considering the age the child will be on the date of check-in at the hotel.


The BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS website offers hotel booking services. If the customer wishes, they also have the option to request a flight service in addition to the hotel service.


Advance Booking: 3 business days 

Persons not included in the reservation must pay the local rate upon arrival to be added to the reservation. 

Cancellation: All cancellations must be processed by contacting our customer service by calling 900 052 602 or via email at 

Reservations comprising 10 or more rooms or 20 or more adults are considered group bookings. For such reservations, it is necessary to contact


Flexible Rate:

No charges if cancellation occurs 3 days or more before the check-in date.

If cancellation occurs 2 days before the check-in date, the fee will be equivalent to the cost of one night (based on the confirmed reservation).

If cancellation occurs on the same day as the check-in date or is a "no show," the fee will be equivalent to the cost of two nights (based on the confirmed reservation).

Non-Refundable Rate:

Cancellation, modification, or no-show will incur a charge of 100% of the reservation amount.

The relationship established when booking a flight service is a direct contractual agreement between the airline and the end customer. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS makes the reservation at the customer's request to provide this service. The hotel service cannot be canceled while retaining the flight service. Any issues related to transportation concerning this reservation (such as schedule changes, flight delays, loss of luggage, etc.) will be the sole responsibility of the contracted airline.

The advance notice required to make a reservation online is 3 business days before the travel date. Reservations can be made with 1 day’s notice by calling our customer service center at 900 052 602.

Cancellation: All cancellations must be processed by contacting our customer service by calling 900 052 602 or via email at



As previously described.


Flights are issued whenever possible through electronic tickets. 

The airline fares we offer are restricted rates and are subject to specific conditions regarding issuance, changes, cancellations, and refunds. 

Cancellation of the flight may result in the total loss of its value. If you have any questions, please consult our customer service in each case.

Passports, Visas, and Documentation: 

All users, without exception (including children), must ensure their personal and family documentation is in order, whether it be a passport or ID card, in accordance with the laws of the countries being visited. Obtaining visas, passports, vaccination certificates, etc., as required by the travel, is the responsibility of the users. In the event that a visa is denied by any authority due to personal reasons of the user, or entry to the country is refused for failing to meet the required conditions, or due to deficiencies in the required documentation, or for not possessing the required documentation, the organizing agency disclaims any responsibility for such issues. Any expenses incurred under these circumstances will be the responsibility of the consumer, and the conditions and rules established for voluntary withdrawal of services will apply. Users, particularly those with nationalities other than Spanish, are reminded to ensure that they meet all applicable visa requirements before beginning their journey to avoid issues entering all the countries to be visited. Minors under 18 must carry a written authorization signed by their parents or guardians if not traveling with them, in anticipation that such authorization may be requested by the competent authorities.


The advance notice required for making a reservation online is 3 business days before the travel date. Reservations can be made with 1 day's notice by calling our customer service center at 900 052 602. The travel packages and other vacation offers available through the BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS website under the names "VACATIONS," "OFFERS," "WEDDING," are subject to the provisions of the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, and Law 7/1998 of April 13 on general conditions of contracting, as well as the specific conditions of the tour operator organizing the package.

Cancellation Fees Summary:


% penalty of the total amount

15-10 days before departure


9-3 days before departure


48 hours prior to departure


Less than 48 hours before departure



For air tickets issued, a 100% cancellation fee applies.


Upon arrival at the destination, please reconfirm your excursion and pick-up time with the representatives of Coming2 / Soltour in the hotel lobby.

Cancellation Fees:

- No cancellation fees if cancelled 3 days or more before the date of the excursion.

- 50% of the amount if cancelled 2 days before the date of the excursion.

- 100% of the amount if cancelled within 24 hours before the excursion or if a "no show.


Cancellation Fees:

- No cancellation fees if cancelled 3 days or more before the date of the transfer.

- 50% of the amount if cancelled 2 days before the date of the transfer.

- 100% of the amount if cancelled within 24 hours before the transfer or if a "no show”.


Cancellation Fees:

- No cancellation fees if cancelled 3 days or more before the date.

- 50% of the amount if cancelled 2 days before the date.

- 100% of the amount if cancelled within 24 hours before the tee time or if a "no show."


Upon arrival at the hotel, you must present your ID or passport (for foreigners) at check-in. Payment will be made by credit card at check-in. Check-in time is 11 a.m. and check-out time is 6 p.m. 

The day pass only includes the services listed in its description.

Cancellation Fees:

 No cancellation fees if cancelled 3 or more days before the date of arrival at the hotel.

If cancelled on the same day of arrival or if a "no show," the hotel will charge a penalty to the provided credit card.


The system offers different payment methods depending on the day the reservation is made relative to the departure date and the contracted product. The Flight + Hotel product has different payment conditions compared to other products. By requesting a reservation, the customer commits to accepting the reservation and agrees to pay for it using the established payment methods detailed below. If there are unconfirmed services (RQ) at the time of booking, the system will charge the total amount by credit card. If the requested services cannot be confirmed, a full refund of the amount paid will be issued. Accepted payment methods include bank transfer, PayPal, and credit card payments. Accepted credit cards are: VISA, MASTERCARD, and MAESTRO.



The total amount for the flight will be charged to your credit card. The remaining balance, if the dates allow, can be paid before 15 days prior to the hotel check-in date by credit card or bank transfer.



Please note that it is essential to present the credit card used for payment, as well as your passport, at the hotel. The hotel reserves the right of admission.

By requesting a reservation, the customer authorizes the charge to the provided payment card. The total amount of the reservation will be charged. If it is not possible to charge the full amount, 40% of the total reservation amount will be charged as a deposit. In this case, we will contact you to arrange payment for the remaining 60%.


We will hold the reservation with the selected services confirmed for two business days to allow you to make a bank transfer to Banco BBVA account number 0182/4899/11/0200721237, specifying the reservation number in the transfer reference, which will be printed on the reservation confirmation email you receive once the reservation is confirmed. Once the transfer is completed, please send a copy of it via email to


A 20% deposit of the reservation amount will be charged to your credit card. The remaining amount must be paid before 15 days of the departure date or hotel check-in date either by bank transfer to Banco BBVA account number 0182/4899/11/0200721237, specifying the reservation locator in the transfer reference, or by credit card by contacting our customer service center at 900 052 602.


We will hold the reservation with the selected services confirmed for two business days to allow you to make a bank transfer to Banco BBVA account number 0182/4899/11/0200721237, specifying the reservation number in the transfer reference, which will be printed on the reservation confirmation email you receive once the reservation is confirmed. The remaining amount must be paid before 15 days of the departure date or hotel check-in date either by bank transfer to the aforementioned account, specifying the reservation number in the transfer reference, or by credit card by contacting our customer service center at 900 052 602.

If it is not possible to charge the card, the customer may choose an alternative payment method as long as it fits one of the options described above. If it is impossible to choose another payment method due to the dates, the customer should contact us at 900 052 602 to finalize the reservation and explore other payment options.


These general conditions are subject to the provisions of the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, and Law 7/1998 of April 13 on General Conditions of Contracting.


The traveler may transfer the package travel contract to another person who meets all applicable conditions of the contract. The transfer must be communicated in advance to BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS, in a durable medium, with reasonable notice of at least seven calendar days before the start of the package travel. Both the transferor and the transferee will be jointly liable for the outstanding balance of the agreed price, as well as any commissions, surcharges, or other additional costs resulting from the transfer. The organizer or, if applicable, the retailer will inform the transferor of the actual costs of the transfer.

The price of the package travel has been calculated based on exchange rates, transportation tariffs, fuel costs, and applicable taxes and charges in effect at the time of the program's publication or subsequent updates, as applicable. Any increase in these elements may lead to a revision of the final price of the package, strictly reflecting the changes in price. Price increases may be made up to 20 calendar days before the start of the package travel. Such modifications will be communicated to the traveler in a clear and understandable manner, with a justification for the increase.

If the mentioned price increase exceeds 8% of the total price of the package travel, the traveler may, within 48 hours, accept the proposed change or cancel the contract without penalty. If the traveler does not notify their decision within the indicated timeframe, it will be understood that they opt to cancel the contract without penalty. In the event of cancellation by the traveler, all payments made by the traveler will be refunded, and in any case, within a period not exceeding fourteen calendar days from the date of cancellation. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS reserves the right to modify prices, itineraries, or services included in the stays or circuits listed in the programs at any time, due to possible cost variations or unforeseen circumstances.

When such causes occur before the confirmation of services, the traveler may withdraw their request without any penalty or accept the new price. The confirmation of the requested services, barring special circumstances, will generally be verified within the following approximate timeframes:

- 2 business days in Spain

- 4 business days in the Caribbean.


At any time prior to the commencement of the package travel, the traveler may terminate the package travel contract, but must pay a penalty to BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS for the following items:

1. Cancellation Fees, if any:

If any of the contracted and canceled services are subject to special economic conditions such as air freight, ship freight, special tariffs, hotels during local fairs, tickets for shows, etc., cancellation fees will apply as per the specific conditions.

   - Optional insurance: This service is non-cancellable, meaning 100% of its total amount is due from the same day of its purchase.

2. Fees Based on the Timing of Cancellation:

   - 5% of the total trip cost if the cancellation is made more than 10 days but less than 15 days before the start date of the trip:

   - 15% if the cancellation is made more than 2 days but less than 11 days before the start date;

   - 25% if the cancellation is made within 2 days before the departure date.

 Cancellations made on the same day or a no-show will incur a 100% penalty, with no refund due.

NOTE: All periods mentioned are understood as business days based on the departure location.

In the event of leaving the establishment before the contracted date or voluntary non-use of any contracted service, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS will not issue any refunds.

BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS may cancel the contract and refund the traveler all payments made, but will not be liable for any additional compensation if:

a) The number of people registered for the package travel is below the minimum number specified in the contract, and the traveler is notified of the cancellation within the deadline specified in the contract, which will be at the latest:

      1.º 20 calendar days before the start of the package travel for trips lasting more than 6 days

      2.º 7 calendar days before the start of the package travel for trips lasting between 2 and 6 days

      3.º 48 hours before the start of the package travel for trips lasting less than 2 days

b) BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS is unable to execute the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and informs the traveler of the cancellation without undue delay before the start of the package travel.


BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS commits to providing all contracted services contained in the program that gave rise to the package travel contract, with the stipulated conditions and characteristics, in accordance with the following:

If, before the start of the package travel, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS is required to substantially alter any major features of the travel services, fails to meet any special requirements, or proposes to increase the price of the trip by more than eight percent, the traveler may choose either to terminate the contract without penalty or to accept the proposed change. The traveler must communicate their decision to the retailer or, if applicable, to the organizer within three days of being notified of the change. If the traveler does not notify their decision within the indicated period, it will be understood that they opt for termination of the contract without penalty.

If transfers/assistance between the hotel and airport or similar services included in the offer are not provided, primarily due to reasons beyond the control of the transfer service provider and not attributable to the organizer, only the cost of alternative transport used by the client will be reimbursed, upon presentation of the corresponding receipt or invoice.

The traveler must inform the organizer or, if applicable, the retailer, without undue delay, of any non-conformity observed during the execution of a travel service included in the contract. Such communication should preferably be made "on-site" to the representative of BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS at the destination as indicated in the travel documentation or, if not possible, as soon as possible, in writing or any other form that provides proof, to BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS and, if applicable, to the service provider concerned.


The combination of travel services offered to you constitutes a package holiday in the sense of the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 (EDL2007/205571).

Therefore, you will benefit from all rights applicable under European Union law regarding package holidays. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the entire package holiday. Additionally, as required by law, BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS is covered by a guarantee to reimburse you for payments made and, if transportation is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event of insolvency.

Main Rights under the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 (EDL 2007/205571):

- Travelers will receive all essential information about the package holiday before concluding the package travel contract.

- There will always be at least one entrepreneur responsible for the proper execution of all travel services included in the contract.

- Travelers will be provided with an emergency telephone number or contact details where they can reach the organizer and, if applicable, the retailer.

- Travelers may transfer the package holiday to another person, with reasonable advance notice and, if applicable, subject to payment of additional charges.

- The price of the package holiday can only be increased if specific costs arise (e.g., fuel prices) and it is expressly stipulated in the contract, and in no case within the last twenty days before the start of the package holiday. If the price increase exceeds eight percent of the package holiday price, the traveler may terminate the contract. If the organizer reserves the right to increase the price, the traveler will be entitled to a reduction in price if the corresponding costs decrease.

- Travelers may terminate the contract without paying any penalty and receive a full refund of all payments made if a significant change is made to any essential element of the package holiday other than the price. If the entrepreneur responsible for the package holiday cancels it before it begins, travelers will be entitled to a refund of payments made and, where applicable, compensation.

- In exceptional circumstances, such as serious security problems at the destination that could affect the package holiday, travelers may terminate the contract before the start of the package holiday without paying any penalty.

- Additionally, travelers may terminate the contract at any time before the start of the package holiday by paying a termination penalty that is appropriate and justifiable.

- If, after the start of the package holiday, significant elements cannot be provided, suitable alternative arrangements must be offered to the traveler at no additional cost. Travelers may terminate the contract without paying any penalty in cases of non-performance of services that substantially affect the execution of the package holiday, and the organizer and, if applicable, the retailer, fail to resolve the issue.

- Travelers will also be entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation for damages in the event of non-performance or incorrect performance of travel services.

- The organizer and retailer must provide assistance to travelers in difficulty.

- If the organizer or retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organizer or, if applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package holiday and it includes transportation, the repatriation of travelers will be guaranteed. BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS has subscribed to an insolvency protection guarantee with Zurich Insurance plc. If services are denied due to BAHIA PRINCIPE HOTELS & RESORTS' insolvency, travelers may contact this entity or, if applicable, the competent authority.

Best Online Price Guarantee always guarantees the best online price for your hotel reservations.

If, after making your reservation on, you find an identical reservation at a lower price on another website, you may claim a refund for the difference. To request a refund, you must have a reservation on our website, and you must submit your claim within 72 hours of the reservation confirmation, but no later than 72 hours before the hotel check-in time.

For non-refundable rates, you may submit your request within 24 hours of confirmation.

Conditions for the Best Online Price Guarantee:

- The same hotel, same room type, same accommodation plan, same dates, number of guests, and currency.

- Rates must include taxes.

- The reservation holder must match the requester.


- Does not apply to other products such as excursions, golf, vacation rentals, transfers, or packages of hotel + flight + transfer.

- Rates that are not online, group rates, corporate rates, negotiated rates, reservations with cancellation conditions different from those specified, agent rates, packaged or combined rates, flash sales, external loyalty programs, rates with applied vouchers, discounts, free night offers, auction website reservations, "on request" reservations, private offers, or reservations made through financed payments.

To submit a request, please email us at with the following details:

- Reservation locator from

- Link to the offer on the other website. A minimum of two screenshots of the offer at the final step of the booking that meets the conditions mentioned above.

- You will receive a response to your request within 48 business hours.

My Bahia Principe

My Bahia Principe is a loyalty programme owned by MANAGEMENT HOTELERO PIÑERO S.L.(MHP), with Tax ID number (CIF) B57211732, (the company responsible for managing the brands and loyalty programmes of Grupo Piñero) with address at Plaza Mediterráneo nº5 Ed. Neptuno 07014 - Palma de Mallorca

Click here to see the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.